Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Dears - We Can Have It

Seeing one of your desert island albums performed in its entirety is a dream come true. I already did that this year with The Magnetic Fields "69 Love Songs" 25th Anniversary.
Tonight, I will see another of my desert island albums performed as The Dears celebrate the 20th anniversary of their 2003 masterpierce "No Cities Left"! When this album was released, I was in one of the darker stages of my life. What I wrote about the album back in in 2007 still rings true today:
"Back in a time when I was losing all my faith in life and love, The Dears released this work of art. Right from the opening track, Murray's lyrics gave me someone to relate to on a level that I desperately needed. "No Cities Left" was released the same year as Ooberman's "Hey Petrunko!". Both albums tackle issues of love/loss/loneliness/finding one's self/etc., but they both come at it from different angles. Ooberman chose the more magical, other-worldly approach, whereas The Dears keep it more down to earth. Both are extremely successful and they stood far above any other releases in 2003.
This album helped me remember what I once felt so strongly about and how much I needed to strive for that again.

Tears may flow when the opening moments of this song start. I am so happy I get to experience this!

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